Monday, April 7, 2008

Long hikes taking the place of long runs??

My work schedule is playing havoc with my training which is sporadic at its best anyway these days. I'm currently working Wednesday to Wednesday, so I basically work overnight for 8 shifts straight and then I don't have to be back until the next Wednesday. In a sense it is very cool because I am writing this post from a condo in Oceanside overlooking the beach. I don't have to take vacation days to take the family to the beach for a week! On the other hand I don't run for those 8 days. I need to start, it's just tough when I'm working a 12 hour shift. I think the reality is I don't have any thing in particular I'm training for. I usually just stay in shape and do whatever races fit my schedule. This year however I guess I'm not in shape as evidenced by my being sore after a 9 mile run the other day. Last year I could do 50 miles and not be sore. Being sore was something I no longer had to deal with.(Aside from joints)
My last off week two weeks ago I did a 30ish mile hike followed by a 16 mile hike followed by a 6 mile trail run with Bob. This week I'm on track to do nothing significant. In short, I guess I'm not doing Leona Divide this year. I am going to ramp it up over the next couple weeks in some sort of effort for Wild Wild West. I really would like to find a balance though with work and running. Right now it's feast and famine and frankly I'm starving!

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