Sunday, April 20, 2008

Leona Divide!

If someone would have told me yesterday that not only would I finish Leona but I would finish 10 minutes faster than last year, I would've told them they're crazy!

The full moon was illuminating the sky when I arrived at 5:00am. The temp was a little chilly, just perfect for the start of the race. As I went inside to get checked in I ran into Greg and his wife. I told him he was part of the reason I was here today. You see back in '06 greg came to Leona after a long run of only 15 miles and not having run a marathon in 5 years. He made it to #9 aid station at 42.9 miles in 10:42 before dropping. That was something I thought about last week when I decided, on little training to sign up for the race. The last thing I want to read in UltraRunning Magazine is Mike McGinnis--DNF. But you know what if everytime you try something you're confident you will suceed, is that really a challenge? This year I was uncertain about my fait and what would come over the next 50 miles.

Next I ran into Kirk Fortini. Kirk and I seem to play cat and mouse during these races always in proximity to one another for a good part of the day. Today would be no different. I then visted with Jeff Stevenson for a bit before I had to go check in. It's great to see so many familiar faces at these events, and as time goes by more and more become friends. One thing I love about ultras is that everyone is friendly and even though you havn't seen them in a year they say, "Hey Mike how's Lisa and the boys?" It is as though a fellowship exists between those who are suffering together. We support each other, encourage and cheer for one another on our journey. I was especially touched at Leona this year when a fellow runner approached me at the finish. He was having one of those days in November at Santa Monica Mtn 50k when near the end he was getting discouraged. We had to ascend the Ray Miller Trail one more time just to turn around and descend back to the start/finish. For that remaining 6 miles I encouraged him and we began talking. First about running then about life. We shared some personal things from our past and before we knew it the race was over. He was very grateful to me for helping him through his low point. We visited a little at the end and went our separate ways with a handshake and a "thanks again." Now I see him at Leona as he's flying downhill on his way to a great time and I'm still on my way up to the turn around. He stopped dead in the trail and turned around. "Hey you're my friend from Santa Monica." When I got to the finish he approached me and introduced me to his wife. He began to tell me that he had told his brother about me and how what we talked about months before had helped them with a similar situation. Once again he was very appreciative and kind.

I just love that in the middle of a sporting competition these types of connections can be made. My worry about not finishing the run turned out to be nothing but a waste of time. I had my best race there ever, feeling strong all day. So much so that I ran all the way in from the last aid station which includes probably 1.5 miles of uphill. I couldn't be happier with my time of 11:43 which is perfect for someone seeking mediocrity! Until the saw blade rings next year...
Happy Trails,

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