Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Say "NO" to Pasadena!!

Pasadena was cancelled due to the wild fires in So. Cal. It was too smokey to safely run the race, so we were out around $350 and a 4 hour drive. The good news is they re-scheduled the run...the bad news is they want us to pay again! Not the full price but half price, $40. I say nay, nay, nay! I've been in other events that were cancelled and if you paid, they let you run it when they re-scheduled it for FREE!

There is no way I'm going to pay $180/night at the host hotel and another $40 for the race. That would be a grand total of about $600 to run 26.2 miles. That's about $22 a mile! Screw that! I'll pay $50 and run Leona. That's $1 a mile! Plus I'll make Bob and Ken buy me a Latte afterwards for helping them finish their first 50 miler!!!

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